43 Issue 257 - February / March 2025 email: editor@signlink.co.uk MIS MAKING WAVES WITH MIS Greater control over production can help sign companies become more efficient, save on costs, and improve output. Here, Rob Fletcher takes a look at some of the latest advancements with management information systems (MIS) While many sign-makers and related businesses already have some form of management information system (MIS) in place, it is important that they continue to monitor the market for new developments with this technology. Failing to upgrade your existing MIS with new features or even replacing the older system altogether with a new, fresh solution, means you may miss out on new advancements. In turn, this will likely see you lose pace with competitors and put you at a disadvantage in what is already a highly competitive market. In this feature, we take a closer look at MIS, analysing the benefits of upgrading to a new system or updating your existing MIS, and speaks with specialist suppliers within this market to learn more about the latest and most popular solutions for sign-makers and wide-format print companies. Heart of a Business First up is Trevor Cocks, managing director of Accura MIS, which specialises in MIS for the print sector, which includes working with companies in wide-format print. According to Cocks, a good MIS should be at the heart of everything going on within a signage business, fostering the job throughout its lifecycle. “A quality MIS should bring automation, cost-savings, and efficiencies through seamless integration and reducing administration time, repetition, and errors,” Cocks says, adding: “A quality MIS is essential to remain competitive in today’s quick turnaround, slim margin environment. “It literally can be make-or-break. Of course, there must be quality of service behind the MIS, backed by print professionals who can deal with support queries in a timely manner.” Cocks goes on to say that it is not quite as simple as rocking up at your local MIS supplier and taking home the first solution you see from the shelf. As is the case with hardware, any sort of investment should be properly thought through and researched to ensure it will solve any issues you are having. “We see sign-makers purchasing simplistic, low-end products designed for small digital print-shops,” Cocks explains.