Print Monthly September / October 2024 - Issue 350

says, continuing: “At the end of the day, it’s widely known that it takes over eight touchpoints to make a sale. “The approach I advise people to take in marketing is to be ‘consistently different’. Do the marketing that your competitors aren’t and if you do it regularly, you’ll be remembered when a prospect is ready to buy.” With these, Dallow advises PSPs to avoid coming up with the same messages as competitors, such as ‘We Print Everything’, and also try to focus on marketing on the types of companies that suit your own business. “My advice to printers is don’t be afraid to try something a bit out there,” Dallow comments, adding: “If it works, great. If not, try something else and move on. The proof of any campaign is in its results, so make sure you evaluate what you do and build these into future plans. “We try to practice what we preach and are always experimenting with our marketing.” This offers an apt conclusion to the discussion. PSPs should consider thinking outside their usual box when it comes to marketing and try something new. This is more likely to grab the attention of customers mulling over which printer to use and help the actual print business stand out amongst a busy crowd. a business and as a team, what we offer from our products to our extensive account support, and it also adds credibility and trust. “We’ve also found it a great avenue to humanise our business and play with the corporate boundaries by using our key asset to promote us — our team!” Manufacturers and suppliers can also benefit from effective marketing. One company that does this well is Innotech, whose marketing manager, Kieran Dallow, says referrals are the most cost-effective and reliable way to grow. Dallow stresses referrals are hard to plan and manage so all PSPs need an ongoing marketing programme to have something more than just referrals. “Having something in place before there is a slowdown in sales will help to keep a consistent flow of leads, and it is so much better to start something before you need it than when you are forced to do it,” Dallow different products and services to what I do has also been key.” Also offering advice is Kirsty Corcoran, marketing manager of Very Displays, who says that in today’s competitive market, businesses must continuously seek new and innovative ways to engage with both prospective and existing customers. “The best way to do this is with a comprehensive and consistent marketing strategy which encompasses broad techniques as well as targeted need-driven strategies.” Corcoran adds: “Through various activities, marketing gives print companies the chance to showcase what they do and who they are to people who may not otherwise come across their services. “If you want to target potential clients as well as nurture existing relationships, it’s important to put a focus on marketing and company awareness practices. Traditional methods like printed collateral, portable display advertising, direct mail, and trade shows can be used to showcase businesses and products in a physical way. Also maintaining a strong online presence through websites and social media platforms help a business establish credibility, share news, and attract traffic.” As a trade-only company, Very Displays faces lots of competition in the market. As such, Corcoran says Very Displays tailors activity to reach customers it can work with. This activity includes taking part in events and trade shows, which she says are key in Very's marketing calendar. “Being able to communicate face-toface in the right environment and share what we do with key decision makers has always proved beneficial to us,” she explains, adding: “The targeted follow up from the shows is also crucial to ensure we are reaching out again and fulfilling any requests or needs beyond that initial conversation. “Print is another channel we invest in, including printed welcome packs for new customers, printed unbranded brochures, and price lists. Finally, digital marketing is also a valuable tool to us. I believe that having an online presence is essential for customers to understand who we are as MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS 64 email: September / October 2024 - Issue 350 Colin Sinclair McDermott says printers should focus on what makes them unique Online and Offline Try Something Different Innotech is based in the Netherlands, Italy, France, the US, and the UK Factoid ▲ Very Displays humanises its business to stand out from the crowd