ISSUE 347March / April 2024 FESPA Global Print Expo March 19th to 22nd RAI Amsterdam, the Netherlands The Print Show September 17th to 19th NEC, Birmingham, UK Publishing director Page Tuck Sales director Chris Davies Lead contributor Rob Fletcher Contributors Brian Sims, Colin Sinclair McDermott Contact Editorial: 0117 980 5040 Sales: 0117 960 3255 Production: 0117 980 5041 Accounts: 0117 980 5042 Find us online Socials All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher. The views expressed by contributors to Print Monthly magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher or editorial team and Link Publishing Ltd. takes no responsibility for any errors that may have occurred. The publisher also accepts no responsibility for the advertising content, including any error, omission or inaccuracy therein. Calls may be recorded for training purposes. Link Publishing Ltd. retains the right to publish and re-publish any images or information sent to the publication. Link Publishing Ltd, Unit G, Link House, Britton Gardens, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 1TF Editor Carys Evans Online editor David Osgar Production Shaun Edwards Sales Tim Hall Sales Luke Stoneham Accounts Kathryn Quinn Office therapist Skye PrintMonthly printmonthly PrintMonthlyMagazine Printed on Sappi Magno Satin from EBB Paper CBP00015512002182040 March / April 2024 - Issue 347 4 email: PrintMonthly printmonthly PrintMonthlyMagazine Hello and welcome to our March/April issue of Print Monthly! As I am writing this, the sun is shining, the days are getting longer, and it finally feels like we have turned the corner as we enter our final days of the ‘Tuesday of the Year’ that is February. In this issue, we hear more valuable and savvy tips from Colin Sinclair McDermott, aka The Online Print Coach where he discusses how to craft your own unique identity within the print industry (P42). We also speak with some female industry members in celebration of International Women’s Day (March 8th) who tell us all about their careers so far including their biggest learning curves and proudest moments (P49). In our Features, we take a look at the Lamination Equipment available and how this can help you to level up your print jobs (P57), as well as find out what the latest hybrid machines have to offer and ask whether in this case, one is in fact better than two (P65). It’s been a jam-packed time for news as always with the UK having entered a recession and issues in the Red Sea-Suez Canal affecting printers (P06 & P08). We also hear about a new initiative championing Young People In Print and the need to encourage more women in STEM (P08 & P10). Despite challenging economic times, there have been a number of significant business investments with Micropress investing £3.5m in the company and five print experts having joined forces to launch a new spirit labelling business (P12). Finally, with only a few weeks to go, we hear from exhibitors and head of event Michael Ryan to find out what to expect from FESPA Global Print Expo 2024 in Amsterdam (P28 & P30). As always, we hope you enjoy and thanks for reading! EDITOR S NOTE Carys Evans MEET THE TEAM DATES FOR YOUR DIARY VIDEO COVERAGE Scan the QR code to watch our video coverage over on our Print7 YouTube channel