49 January / February 2025 - Issue 352 www.printmonthly.co.uk LABEL PRINTING tion. It is designed to be able to carry out in-line image processing while a job runs at full speed, with no test print required. Tom Baker, finance and development manager at Baker Labels, says that as a trade printer of self-adhesive labels, new investment is crucial to the company’s long-term strategy. The press installation is part of a broader two-year £5m investment in growth and advancing technologies. “If we’re going to do something, we will do it properly,” he explains, adding: “Getting the full RSC with LED curing and the Hawk AI unit to develop is an exciting challenge for us as a team and should Available with standard colour configurations including CMYK, orange, violet, green and white, the Durst TAU RSC 340 LED runs at up to 80m per min and has a native resolution of 1200dpi. The press features Fujifilm Samba printheads with variable drop sizes ranging from two to six picolitres, while its LED curing feature helps reduce energy usage during production. Baker Labels will also benefit from a Durst Hawk AI unit, which is being added to the press. This automated inspection system can correct print mistakes such as missing nozzles in real time, without requiring any setup or operator interven- ► Gallus Group CEO Dario Urbinati says 2024 saw label printing continue on a promising trajectory can adapt and scale their solution in the future as technologies evolve and market requirements change. “Under the System to Compose, customers can also venture beyond the bounds of individual modules to select different print widths and colour gamuts to better meet the complexity of their jobs.” Gallus built on this at drupa 2024, using the event to extend the System to Compose concept to include workflow solutions and service offerings. Urbinati explains: “This ensures that businesses can address their unique challenges not only with state-of-the-art equipment but also with service support levels tailored to their needs, empowering them to maintain seamless operations and adapt to evolving demands.” Market First Clearly, if you are to take advantage of new developments in the area, then new investment is key. Essex-headquartered Baker Labels recently took on a new Durst Tau RSC 340 LED label printer, making it the first company in the UK to install the machine. Helix direct-to-object digital cylinder printers from Inkcups can comfortably run lengths of between one and 10,000 items 10,000 ▲ Inkcups’ range of Helix directto-object digital cylinder printers can be used to create a host of label effects