Print Monthly January / February 2025

Picking out certain machines, Harry highlights the DC-618, an entry-level machine that can handle paper stocks between 110-400gsm, process up to six slits, 30 cuts, and 20 creases in one pass. It also delivers full-bleed applications up to 23 sheets per minute without white borders and toner cracking and can be upgraded to handle long sheets from the current generation of digital presses. Also from Duplo are the DC-648 and DC-746, featuring heavier duty cutters and creasing modules. The DC-648 also comes with tungsten carbide knives that have double the life cycle of the machine and can also be resharpened by Duplo. The DC-746 comes with the option to be equipped with an integrated folding system that automatically folds sheets up to 350gsm that have been cut, creased, and perforated. In addition, both machines can be integrated with the DC-F100 folder, which recently launched to the market. Another option from Duplo is the 38 email: January / February 2025 - Issue 352 DC-20K B2 cutting system, which adds a B2 high-capacity sheet feeder and cutter with a fast delivery mechanism to the DC-746 and DC-648. “On a normal SRA3 sheet, printers can get 21 standard business cards on a sheet, with the DC-20K, one SRA2 sheet can have up to 64 business cards on them instead of just 42,” Harry says, adding: “It is the ultimate solution for companies with a B2 press and have major issues with bottle necks in the finishing department.” On top of this, Duplo distributes the Multigraf range of folder creasers, which are modular and all revolve around the C-375+ creaser. This can then be upgraded with creasing and folding system in the form of the CF-375. Core Activities Elsewhere in this market is Morgana. Ray Hillhouse, vice president sales and marketing for the Plockmatic Group Offline Business Unit, which own Morgana, says creasing and folding are core activities for a high percentage of print shops, and therefore proper investment is required. “For those just starting out in making such investments, to expand the amount of work that they can produce in-house, it is important to find quality equipment,” Hillhouse comments, adding: “For current businesses, there is the need to match the latest products from print engine suppliers with finishing solutions. These printers have tended to offer longer sheet printing, so investments in new post-press kit need to keep such developments in mind.” As for what to look for when investing, Hillhouse advises that with longer sheet production in mind, the first thought must ▲ Duplo’s DC-648 system can be integrated with the DC-F100 folder, which recently launched to the market Duplo distributes the Multigraf range of folder creasers to the UK market Factoid CREASING, FOLDING, AND COLLATING ▼ The DC-20K B2 cutting system from Duplo adds a B2 sheet feeder and cutter to the DC-746 and DC648