19 Issue 248 - August / September 2023 email: sales@signlink.co.uk Get the latest news, views and in-depth features on our website news | features | archive | comment www.signlink.co.uk REGISTER NOW NEC BIRMINGHAM | HALL 17 | SEPTEMBER 19-21 | 2023 THE UK’s ONLY EVENT DEDICATED TO SHOWCASING THE LATEST PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Register at: www.theprintshow.co.uk | 0117 980 5049 | sales@theprintshow.co.uk @theprintshow The Print Show 19-21 SEPTEMBER 2023 Hall 17 | NEC, BIRMINGHAM The Print Show 2023 will play host to a special Gala Dinner event, serving as a celebration of print and allowing visitors and exhibitors to relax away from the show floor. Taking on the evening of day two, the Gala Dinner will offer attendees the chance to let their hair down and enjoy a night of live entertainment and top-quality food at the historic Birmingham Town Hall in the heart of England’s Second City. Print without barriers Gala Dinner Hosted at Birmingham Town Hall on September 20th GALA DINNER 2023 REGISTER NOW FOR FREE ENTRY PRE-PRESS•DIGITAL PRINTING•LARGE FORMAT•FINISHING•PAPER•SOFTWARE•KNOWLEDGE ZONE