Signlink - April / May 2023 - Issue 246

Simply put, without having the right tools to hand, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired outcome in signage applications. Whether it is using a certain type of squeegee to apply a wrap to a vehicle or knives to cut a set of window graphics to shape; get this wrong and you risk placing the entire job in jeopardy. Luckily for sign-makers, there is a whole raft of quality tools available to the industry, with many trusted and reliable suppliers to rely on. Working with these specialist companies will ensure you are getting the right tool for the job and a quality piece of kit to complete the project. Here, we catch up with some of the suppliers of these tools to find out which tools have been proving popular and any additional advice they can offer to sign-makers. Smart investment One of the leading names in sign-making tools is Yellotools, which works with customers in core markets such as Europe and North America. Founder and chief executive Michael Althoff says sign-makers need to consider upgrading tools even if they are comfortable with kit they have been working with for a number of years. “Over the last 20 years, I have seen so many sign-makers, all over the world, that are still using tools and applicators from ‘back then’,” Althoff says, continuing: “Why? Because at one point they stopped requestioning their workflow and accepted a ‘non-perfect’ way of getting things done. “We ask so many people, ‘What do you hate about your job?’ Nine out of 10 say ‘Nothing, all is good’. But then you go a bit deeper into the conversation and after asking ‘why’ four or five times, they figure out that they do hate a couple of things such as removing vinyl and changing medias into the printers. “They are not aware of the fact that you can eliminate waste from your daily job and get more profit all of what you do day in, day out by re-thinking the actual way of applicating vinyl, wrapping cars, storing media and organising their workflow by investing in the right equipment.” In terms of what sign-makers should be looking for when investing in new tools, Althoff has plenty of advice, encouraging companies to invest in quality to benefit in the longer run. He gives a heat gun as an example, saying that cheaper models will likely have a simple brush motor, flimsy housing, and a standard built-in heat source. He expands: “Do they heat air? Yes, of course. Are they cheaper than others? Yes. TOOLS OF THE TRADE Critically important to signage applications of all shapes and sizes, SignLink takes a closer look at the tools used by sign-makers and some of the latest solutions available to the market designed to make the process smoother FOCUS ON / SIGN-MAKING TOOLS 55 Issue 245 - April / May 2023 email: