113 SIGN MAKING Website: www.fabricut.co.uk Tel: 020 8751 7250 TRADE SERVICES NEC Birmingham / Sept 17th-19th 2024 www.theprintshow.co.uk Greens Signmakers ï Freightliner Road, Brighton Street Industrial Est, Hull, HU3 4UW ≠www.green-signmakers.co.uk # info@greens-signmakers.co.uk r01482 327371 GRLABELS4SIGNS ï Signum House, Terrace Street, Oldham, OL4 1HG ≠www.grlabels4signs.co.uk # admin@grlabels4signs.co.uk r01616 244835 Gt Marketing Services Ltd. ï 1 Silverthorne Way, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7XB ≠www.gtms.co.uk # hello@gtms.co.uk r08453 101112 H W Signs (shepton Mallet) ï The Works, Board Cross, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5DX ≠www.hwgraphics.com # hwsigns@btconnect.com r01749 344351 H.R.G. Services ï 16b Thoroughfare, Halesworth, IP19 8AH ≠www.hrgservices.com # sales@hrgservices.com r01986 875492 Harlequin Clothing ï 52 Coniston Road, Basingstoke, RG22 5HY ≠www.harlequinclothing.co.uk/ # sales@harlequinclothing.co.uk r01256 811168 Harlow Printing Ltd ï 7-21 Maxwell Street, Maxwell street, South Shields, NE33 4PU # vincehume@harlowprinting.co.uk r01914 554286 Harris Signs & Graphics Ltd ï Unit 2 Osprey Business Park, Byng Street, Swansea, SA1 2NR ≠www.harrissigns.co.uk # info@harrissigns.co.uk r01792 473915 Hayne-West Cast Metal Signs and Post Boxes ï Maytree, Howle Hill, Rosson-wye, HR9 5SP ≠www.hayne-west.co.uk # sales@hayne-west.co.uk r01989 567842 Hiero Graphics ï Fircroft House, Fircroft Way, Edenbridge, TN8 6EJ ≠www.hiero-graphics.co.uk # julie@hiero-graphics.co.uk r01732 864174 Hitech Sign & Print ï 25 Woodgrange Road, London, E7 8BA # hitechdesignprint@gmail.com r02085 191310 Hotline Signs ï 9 South Street, Buxton, SK17 9BF ≠www.hotlinesigns.co.uk # hotline.signs@virgin.net r01298 254910 Hp Print & Vehicle Graphics ï 10 Market Street, Hyde, SK14 8LN # sales@hpprintandgraphics.com r08000 248656 Humphreys Signs Ltd ï Unit 7, Colomeny Industrial Estate, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 5TA ≠www.humphreys-signs.co.uk # sales@humphreys-signs.co.uk r44174 5814066 I D Signs & Graphics ï 42a Upper Lisdrumchor Road, Glenanne, Armagh, BT60 2LD ≠www.idsignsni.com # info@idsignsni.com r02837 507888 Iceman Signs And Print ï 133a Graham Road, London, E8 1PD # print@iceman.co.uk r07990 707428 Icon Signs ï Ernell House, 48 Exning Rd, Newmarket, CB8 0AB ≠www.iconsigndesign.co.uk # chris@iconsigndesign.co.uk r01638 610892 Icon Signs Ltd ï Balgray Works, Balgray Place, Dundee, DD3 8SH # info@iconsignsdundee.co.uk r01382 826670 Identity Signage & Printing ï Identity House, Westham Business Park, Eastbourne Road, Westham, BN24 5NP ≠www.signage-printing.com # sales@signage-printing.com r01323 469111 Image Line ï 10-16 Tiller Road, London, E14 8PX ≠www.ilexhibitions.co.uk # sales@imageline.co.uk r02076 899009 Image-Corporate Ltd ï The Coach House, Bill Hill Park, Twyford Rd, Wokingham, RG40 5QT ≠www.image-corporate.com # tony@image-corporate.com r01189 793793 Imp Graphics ï Sam Alpha Court, 11-12 Depot Road, Newmarket, CB8 0GS # simon@impgraphics.co.uk r08450 268203 Impress Express ï 83, James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Bury St. Edmunds, IP28 7DE ≠www.impressexpress.co.uk # gordon@impressexpress.co.uk r01638 718878 Inkhive Printers ï 77 High Street, Waltham Cross, EN8 7AF # mh@inkhiveprinters.co.uk r19927 63304 Inktec Europe Ltd. ï Burford House, Supergas Industrial Estate, Downs Road, Witney , Oxfordshire, OX29 0SZ ≠www.inktec-europe.com # joey.kim@inkteceu.com r44019 93862770 Inline Signs ï 89 West Town Road, Backwell, Bristol, BS48 3BH ≠www.inline-signs.co.uk # sales@inlinesigns.com r01275 463777 Innova Solutions Ltd ï Innova Solutions Ltd, Lower Dr, Burnley Road , Trawden , Lancashire , BB8 8PW ≠www.innovasolutions.co.uk # Joe@innovasolutions.co.uk r01282 867390 Innovative Signs ï 52 Bois Hall Road, Addlestone, KT15 2JL ≠www.innovativesigns.co.uk # janakadgamage@yahoo.com r07533 853365 Insignia Signs & Graphix ï 15 Bulmer Way, Cannon Park Ind Est, Middlesbrough, TS1 5JT ≠www.insigniagraphix.co.uk # insigniagraphix@aol.com r01642 230011 Inspirwood ï The Old Quay Warehouse, Willow Street, Teignmouth, TQ14 8EY ≠www.inspirwood.co.uk # sales@inspirwood.co.uk r01626 870426 Instant Image (perth) ï Unit 9, Nether Friarton Units, Friarton Road , Perth, PH2 8DF ≠www.instantimageperth.co.uk # instantimage@btconnect.com r01738 445332 Is Group ï Enterprise House, Unit 1, Aber Park Industrial Estate, Flint, CH6 5EX ≠www.is-group.co.uk # chris.johnson@is-group.co.uk r01352 792000 J P Engraving & Signs ï Pandy Industrial Estate, Wrexham, LL11 2UD ≠www.jpengraving.co.uk # sales@jpengraving.co.uk r01978 291451